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Email Warmup Schedule - Know The Best Practices

/ Email Warmup Schedule - Know The Best Practices

It is important to warm up your domain before launching “real” campaigns. When you purchase a new domain, its IP is considered “cold” because it has no reputation with Internet Service Providers. You can build such a reputation by warming up your IP/domain address, or in other words, sending emails with a pre-programmed push.

EmailsAndSurveys helps you build a good reputation by sending your emails slowly at first and providing up a domain warm-up service to ensure maximum email deliverability.

How Does Domain Warming Work?

EmailsAndSurveys will send procreated email templates to the major Email Providers; Microsoft, Gmail, ATT within our network and we will respond and click on the templates to create engagement. The feedback will give confidence to the Email Gods you are a good citizen. Please do not abuse this privilege. If you are a spammer, EmailsAndSurveys does not want your business.

Email Warmup Schedule - Know The Best Practices

What Happens When I send my First Campaign?

Warming up your domain is optional, but highly recommended. 

If you Opt out of Warming Your Domain

EmailsAndSurveys will still send your first campaign out slowly  with a send rates as recommended by SMTP.com. With each bounce, it will slow down more. If you have more than a 6% bounce rate, EmailsAndSurveys will stop your campaign so your email list can be verified.  You can not just show up, up load 100k email addresses and let them rip. Once your first campaign has successfully completes.  The second campaign will be released at the safest speed possible for each mail provider.

If you Opt In to Warming Up your domain

EmailsAndSurveys has prebuilt email templates and email accounts that go out to every email provider. We create conversations so your domain has good behavior and not bad spammy behavior.  The service will run for 30 days and you can safely start to send email after a week.

Email Warmup Schedule - Know The Best Practices

Email Warm up Schedule:

Now that you know the basics and best practices, it's time to get to work. This is the email warm-up program suggested by <link>SMTP.com. It displays the schedule we follow.

Email Warmup Schedule - Know The Best Practices

It is also important to understand that if you stop sending emails for more than 30 days, your IP address and domain can be considered cold, and you might have to repeat the warm-up program.