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Email Verification is completely transparent to you.  EmailsAndSurveys uses the industry-leading  email verification company Zerobounce to verify your emails.  It is optionally but highly recommended.  When you send an Email Campaign there is a hard bounce, it will affect your Email Reputation, if you get too many, ISPs will block your domain.  So for your safety, if your email is not verified, EmailsAndSurveys will send your first campaign out slowly.  once an email address is verified, either through an Email Campaign or via Zerobounce, we will send your emails as quickly as possible.

If you opt out of verifying your Emails and you have greater than a 6% bounce rate EmailsAndSurveys will stop your campaign and require it be verified through Zerobounce.

There are many factors that can cause Emails to bounce.  Emails flagged as bad will be imported into our system and you will have the opportunity to clean them.  If there is a false positive which can happen, simply update the email address as a good email address.

If your campaign gets stopped and you have verified your emails through Zerobounce, please reach out to Support.