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Some Friendly Advice :
The EmailsAndSurveys html editor is the best in the market. We give you full control over your content, except when there can be issues with how the email will render in an Email Client. You want to be careful with HTML tables for instance, we support them, but if you format your HTML table, please test your templates.
- We use the same editor for Email, Surveys, Forms and Assessments
- Our Editor works off the notion of a Canvas, Page and Block. Think of it like a PowerPoint Presentation where you can bring items forward. A canvas will be on the bottom, an email template is 600 Pixels wide and blocks that sit on top of that page. Surveys have no limitation and are responsive.
- You can set padding at the Page, and Block level. Padding is set by default. Usually 5 pixels.
- All Text and Image blocks will have the ability edit your HTML as well your content. This is done with the settings and edit icons.
- If you set a color for your Page, you may also need to set the same color as a default background for your blocks, text and images. We will carry the colors you use so you can easily source them in a template
- Although we test our templates with over 250 email clients, they change over time so we recommend, you test your campaigns! We recommend you create a small group or segment of test users before you send out a campaign.